Cystic acne is a serious form of blemish that often occurs around the mouth and chin. However, cysts can develop anywhere on your face, including the forehead. While an exact cause is unknown, it's believed that your diet, genetics, and hormones all play a role in acne on the forehead.
Cystic acne is the most serious type of acne. It occurs when cysts form deep beneath your skin, resulting in inflammation. These formations are characterized by their red coloration, extreme tenderness, and the presence of pus. Though the exact cause is unknown, this type of acne is most common in those with excessively oily skin. Additionally, dead skin cells and bacteria are often associated with this condition.
Dermatologists still aren't quite sure why cystic acne forms. However, there are several factors that increase your likelihood of developing acne of any kind.
Cystic acne can form on your shoulders, back, chest, and upper arms. But more than anywhere else, it develops on the face, particularly around the mouth, chin, and forehead.
The reason for this comes down to the prevalence of sebaceous glands on your forehead. These glands create an oily material called sebum. Too much of this oil can clog your pores, trapping bacteria and dead skin cells underneath. This leads to inflamed glands, and that's how pimples form.
In the event an infection develops deep within the skin, that's when cystic acne forms. This creates a large, red bump filled with pus that can become extremely painful without treatment.
When you call your dermatologist, you should have a good idea of what you need treated. Fortunately, it's simple to determine what kind of acne you have.
It's rare for cystic acne to come to a head. And while it's annoying, you never want to squeeze or pop a cyst. This only leads to more problems down the road.
You need to speak with a licensed physician to get the prescription treatment you need to treat cystic acne. While over-the-counter products work for regular acne, cystic acne is far more severe. You need stronger prescription medication to bring this blemish to a head.
Your forehead is a prominent part of your body. Having a cyst there isn't pleasant, but you need to resist the urge to squeeze it.
In the event you pop a cyst, it can result in the inflammation going to other parts of the body. You may even end up with additional cysts on your face if you're not careful. Plus, there's the risk of the popped cyst developing an infection.
Popping a pimple may feel good in the moment. But it can increase your risk of developing acne scars. You need to treat your acne the right way so that your skin becomes clear once again.
While cystic acne is the most severe type of acne you can have, the good news is that you won't have to live with it forever. There's a wide range of treatment options that (when combined with stronger oral antibiotics) have shown to combat those pesky red bumps for good.
We understand how annoying and bothersome acne breakouts can be. Whether it's picture day at school, or you've got a job interview, acne is not a welcome friend. Fortunately, it's a treatable condition. Our licensed physicians make it easy and more comfortable to have a discussion about your skin and the best treatment options available for you.
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