Under no circumstance should you pop cystic acne. Doing so could cause the infection to spread elsewhere and lead to more cysts. Additionally, squeezing a cyst means you have to get deep underneath the skin, which could lead to scarring. It's best to leave cyst removal to the professionals.
Cystic acne is the result of an inflammation deep within the skin. Other types of acne are fairly superficial. Blackheads and whiteheads only affect the surface of your pores. But with cystic acne, the bump goes deeper into the skin. This is why these cysts tend to be painfully sensitive.
Anyone can develop cystic acne. It's common around the mouth and chin although it's also known to affect the chest, back, upper arms, and shoulders. People within the following demographics seem to be more likely to have this particular form of acne:
Cystic acne tends to be painful and itchy. But it's not advised to try to pop it on your own. You need to talk to your dermatologist about retinoids and oral antibiotics to help the inflammation go down safely.
Your dermatologist should be able to diagnose what skin condition you have. But in general, there are some simple ways to tell if you have regular or cystic acne.
Dermatologists still aren't entirely sure what exactly causes cystic acne. However, judging from the causes of regular acne, there are some ideas that hold some credibility.
Popping a cyst can end up causing more health problems down the line. It may be itchy and painful, but you need to leave it to the professionals.
Bursting a cyst can result in the inflammation spreading to other body parts. It could even result in more cysts forming elsewhere. The site where you popped the cyst could even form an infection called an abscess. Ultimately, these are more health problems than you need, so talk to a dermatologist about other treatments.
Acne isn't fun. But certain actions you think help actually make the condition so much worse.
Regular pimples may go away on their own. But since cysts take hold deeper in the skin, they don't usually come to a head naturally. While there are things you can do to bring cystic acne to a head, it doesn't always work. The only thing that could work is dermatological treatment.
You need to speak with a licensed physician to get the prescription treatment you need. Retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are much more recommended than picking and squeezing at your acne bumps.
While cystic acne is the most severe type of acne you can have, the good news is that you won't have to live with it forever. There's a wide range of treatment options that (when combined with stronger oral antibiotics) have shown to combat those pesky red bumps for good.
We understand how annoying and bothersome acne breakouts can be. Whether it's picture day at school, or you've got a job interview, acne is not a welcome friend. Fortunately, it's a treatable condition. Our licensed physicians make it easy and more comfortable to have a discussion about your skin and the best treatment options available for you.
Talk to one of our reputable online physicians to get your prescription Retinoid, today!!