How Ketamine Treatment Works ?

Updated Jun,2022
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Ketamine Treatment

According to research studies, infusions of Ketamine to treat depression can be effective for 60-80 % of individuals. Unlike traditional treatments, ketamine is safe and patients report minimal side effects.

Ketamine Health Centers’ mission is to help sufferers regain the balance in their lives. With years of medical experience, knowledge, and prior ketamine application, our team of qualified medical experts are able to provide patients with life-changing holistic treatments.

Why Should You Consider Ketamine Infusion Therapy?


1. Fast & Effective

Ketamine infusion therapy can help patients feel better within hours of treatment.

2. Long Term Relief

Ketamine can help those who suffer from mood conditions and chronic pain feel better for the long-term.

3. Over 50 years

Ketamine has been used in clinics and hospitals around the world for more than 50 years.

4. Strong Safety Profile

Unlike traditional treatments, ketamine is safe and patients reported minimal side effects.


How Does It Work?


1. The Consultation Process

In order to assess whether Ketamine is the right choice for you, we conduct an initial mental health screening using various questionnaires and a comprehensive assessment conducted by a psychiatrist. Additionally, an anesthesiologia staff will also perform a general medical assessment and pertinent physical exam to make sure there are no contraindications to receiving Ketamine treatment.

As a precaution, a routine urine drug screen is conducted to rule out those are actively abusing illicit substances. As Cannabis is legal in various states, a positive result will not necessarily disqualify you from treatment. However, patients that are prescribed any controlled medications will need to provide us with a copy of a valid prescription.

2. The Infusion Process

After the initial assessment, we will schedule your infusion sessions. Before receiving each infusion, we will need to verify that you have arranged transportation in order to leave the clinic as you will not be able to drive for the next several hours until the effects of Ketamine wear off.

On the day of the infusion, patients will be taken into an exclusive infusion area. While we are preparing the IV, one of our anesthesia providers will conduct a pre-assessment, and check your vital signs as we set up the equipment. During the procedure you will be laying in a comfortable lounge chair for the entire duration of the 45-minute infusion sessions.

3. The Recovery Process

We will closely monitor you throughout the IV infusion process. You will be attached to our monitors and our anesthesia team will ensure that you are safe until the infusion is complete. After the procedure, you will stay in the recovery area approximately 30 minutes for observation until our medical providers feel that you are ready to be discharged home.

While receiving a course of ketamine infusions, you will be periodically assessed by phone or internet in order to provide ongoing support. In addition, every patient will be followed up psychiatrically after completing their infusion sessions.

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